Grazie Mille - The Journey of a Beautiful Friendship Expressed in Wine
Connected through friendship, built trust through challenge, resulted in the freedom to create
Jan de Weerd, Spoken Wines

This will hide itself!
Grazie Mille - The Journey of a Beautiful Friendship Expressed in Wine
Connected through friendship, built trust through challenge, resulted in the freedom to create
When exploring La Consulta in Uco Valle, Argentina, on foot we ended up walking through the gates of Bodega Grazie Mille. A very young winery with an old soul. Created by two friends in 2021. More than twenty years apart in age they are on journey of a beautiful friendship that is expressed through wine. It’s a special journey.
The journey started the day they met
They found immediate chemistry as friends (Amistad) when they met, they built trust in each other when faced with a life-threatening hardship by one, which created the foundation for the freedom (Libertad) they now found in designing (Diseño) wines together that they like: Amistad, Libertad, Diseño. Representing the three lines of wines they make from entry wines to premium design wines. All with a very distinct style: subtle, nuanced, elegant expressing the local terroir. To really enjoy them you need to sit quietly and let them whisper to you. We loved them!
The ceiling showing the visions of Fernado during his healing
Grazie Mille
A thousand thanks. An expression of gratitude in Italian where Fernando’s great grand father came from escaping the Mussolini regime during the Second World War. He settled in La Consulta and bought an existing Malbec vineyard that is celebrating its 101 birthday this year. This vineyard is at the heart of a triangle. The triangle is formed by the winery that is being built on one corner, the restaurant (Fatto in Casa ~ and no that doesn’t mean getting fat at home 😅) on an other corner and their art studio, the original home of the first vineyard keeper when the vineyard was planted, on the third corner. While the Andes, on the background, embracing the vineyard. A very special site, great friends, elegant wines that make you stop, reflect and be grateful.